This Diet is Opposite to Keto and is Much Better

The world, nutritionists and fitness addicts have made us think that man's worst enemy is carbohydrates and that, for no reason, you should consume them if you want to be fit and eat a healthy diet. Instead, you should always prioritize protein and that's how all those excruciating diets were born, like Keto , which ensure that all your problems are going to be solved if you just stop eating that avocado toast in the morning and change it for some horrible egg whites with spinach (because the yolk is the devil or something like that).


The reality is, carbohydrates are happiness , they help you feel fuller longer, and they can even change your mood when you're having a bad day (who can stay depressed when they have a plate of sweet bread in front of them?) And experts say that all those rumors that they are not good for us are completely false.

In response to the Keto diet (which leaves you with a severe case of Keto flu and bad breath), celebrity nutritionist and Keto Coach created the " Super Carb Diet, " which is opposite of Keto and is endorsed by Many experts say that it is much better than its alternatives that favor protein as the main source of nutrients.

This Mediterranean-style diet encourages you to consume more carbohydrates and has benefits such as weight loss and maintenance, more energy, control of cravings and also helps you control hunger throughout the day.

It is fashionable to be on a diet and spend much of the day talking about it (do not try to deny it, we know you do). But, as with everything, not all diets are the same and although almost anyone will see results, there are some that you cannot follow for long, they are too extreme and they will drive you crazy. The Super Carb Diet is not one of those. Harper explains it all a little better in his Best Seller The Super Carb Diet: Shed Punds, Build Strenght, Eat Real Food .

The Super Carb diet is about eating real food and including all the main food groups in your daily diet (not just protein), focusing on quality carbohydrates (that is, no products full of sugar). According to Keto Coach, your plate should be made up of 40% protein, 30% fat (healthy) and 30% carbohydrates, this will give you energy throughout the day and it will also make you get the most out of your training.

keto Coach's idea was to create a diet that included all the nutrients you need for the day. A typical meal day begins with a fruit yogurt, whole grain muffin, and nut butter, such as peanut butter or almond butter, for breakfast; a salad with peppers and roast chicken at lunch and roasted vegetables, brown rice, and chicken or fish at dinner, without having to overly restrict yourself or eliminate food groups entirely, which is what makes diets so complicated.

The good news about this diet is that it will allow you to eat a lot of carbohydrates (obviously it does not include donuts) and it promotes balance instead of prohibition (which makes you crave everything). The only catch is that you are probably going to have to start loving the whole products, but it is a sacrifice worth making if you are going to be able to eat pasta every day.